diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

The Incredible Selfie-Taking Wrist Drone

Thought it's still Being developed, The Nixie is a tiny, wearable drone with built-in camera and foldable bands That attach it to your wrist. The small drone must be deployed wrist, a couple of meters away take a photo and return to the wrist. Thought it's still Being developed, The Nixie is a tiny, wearable drone with built-in camera and foldable bands That attach it to your wrist. The small drone must be deployed wrist, a couple of meters away take a photo and return to the wrist. The limitations are scarce, can serve from used to make a selfie or make photographs while this is not possible, such as scales. I love the idea and I hope the project goes well, the idea of having a personal drone is amazing, but do not think I'll have to vastante prices to fall, as they are starting to normal drones. 

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