diumenge, 15 de maig del 2016

An Entire Street Got Evacuated After Police Thought A Sex Toy Was A Bomb

An Entire Street Evacuated After Police Got A Sex Toy Thought Was A Bomb this is the title of the news, because of the confusion of a policeman there was an evacuation of more than 90 people. Garbage where "device" was found was inspected by three experts in bombs. They quickly found that strange noise was coming from sexual toy.

The issue of terrorism is very serious but this news is hilarious. And the worst is that the police who started the evaquacion would remember for the rest of his life. Poor guy. Although you can not blame the officer or the German authorities for their caution because if it had been a real threat had saved many lives.
A South American group of skydiving have played more magical sport, Quidditch. To do it they used replicas of clothing that appears in the Harry Potter books on numerous occasions and the balls of the fictional game. The Quidditch that appears in the saga its track is horitzontal but they have done vertically lunging des of a cargo plane.

This video reminds me of an ad for the superbowl a few years ago that players saltavan des also a Avio. But this is more incredible by the simple fact that it is Quidditch game that anyone wanted to play if they have seen the movies or read the books.

US: Send Landmine Ban Treaty to Senate

Under the Obama administration, The armi of US has banned some factories that make minelands to avoid one of the worst deaths and effects of war. A shot can kill you but a mine destroys you, and if you're lucky and sobrevisves, stay almost always with reduced mobility. This movement is both, give to his troops strategic advantage,  as humanistic to help prevent these cases. Leaving aside my thoughts about the conflicts that have US, Obama has made a pretty smart move.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2016


In my first post I didn’t use expressions or connecters to make the text look like one united thing. Also I repeat myself a lot, using the same expressions one time and another. Now I changed, I think. In my compositions I use more vocabulary and expressions more complex, using phrasal verbs. Perhaps it is true that I have stuck on a single topic but those issues seem more interesting and easier to make. I have tried to solve these in last few months with new publications that have nothing to do with movies or series.

In my first oral presentation I was very nervous and I thought that making it with a friend would make it easier, I was wrong. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking, I can’t stop them I’m very shy to speak in front of a group more or less big of people. And the worst thing is that I did it pity, to vary, and the note of my colleague goes down because my fault.

The best presentation that I made in English is also the same one in Spanish, the one of the research project. Maybe it's because I spent a lot of time preparing both work and presentation. From my perspective I did pretty well, but the worst part is that I forgot to bring the presentation in English and I did it with the version in Spanish. And if I hadn’t perhaps the note would have been an eight but in the end was a five. I did not realize that I have a tic in presentations and is that I move feet very rare.

To summarize, I have improved my English is these last years but I think it is because I have seen movies and series in English for over four years and the effects are beginning to see now, a little late for my taste. It's been a inmemorables years but wouldn't repeat it for any amount of gold in the world.

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2016


There are many ways to wach movies and TV series. Firt you can buy or sent then in supermarkets or you can watch then on TV, during the week . Thirdly in the cinemas there are many great movies. Filaly via the internet online or downood then, but always with quality.

There are many programes that you can downlood, thanks to the people who up load the movies.
This is illegal and you can go to prision, but the people that know that, contunue to up load and watch online. In the cinemas there are less people. On one hand is the faul of the fault of the crisis and on the other hand is the fault of the people who up load the movies, witch great quality quikly and the most important part it's free, you only need toclose the pop ups adverts and have a mormal conaction on internet.

I watch movies and series and I think this danging to producers and actors, but they earn enough.

So I will continiu to watch online and It continiues to be illegal.


Nowadays, TV and internet are the most popular entertainment but TV is especially very different on public or private TV. For example public TV doesn't need too many advert breaks because it has the state's money. But in contrast private TV needs more publicity than public TV. But you can choose, one that doesn't have too much publicity, documentaries and some news. When the channel has more publicity, it can invest in to news series and programmes. So it means that we can watch better programs like premiers of the most famous series. I think in the case of “Antena 3” and “Neox”, it is like a joke because, I think it is not normal to have a publicity time of 5 minutes every 2 minutes. In  my opinion, if the people from the channel do that, they only make people go to other channels.

Mobile game Sea Hero Quest 'helps dementia research'

I do not understand the topic of dementia but this game will be used for a study to help those affected by this illness. I feel great that making a game can help. The games have already evolved to such an extent that no longer only used for fun or entertainment but nowadays there are games for teaching or safety. It is a very good way to gather information because if instead of a game they had used a series of questions surely have not reached even half

May the 4th be with you

May 4 is the day of Star Wars. Because this day? For the wordplay, "May the 4th be wish you" sounds almost equal to "May the force be with you". May 4 is the day when the fans come together and see the complete trilogy, and if you want to suffer the new trilogy.

What I like about Star Wars are not movies or merchandising, it is the community, Star Wars brings people together. If I know a person and likes Star Wars, and I automatically go down well. I is why I like so much this franchise, because it created such a large community encompassing three generations with three trilogies.

North Korea 'will not use nuclear weapons' unless threatened

North Korea 'will not use nuclear weapons' unless threatened. This is the statement by the North Korean dictator after recent bomb tests in the Pacific Ocean. These tests symbolize a threat to all those who wanted to destroy the small communist country.


 Although the dictator has declared this, I do not keep quiet and I hope that countries not threatened. The conflicts in Iraq which intervened the United States and many other countries, they used to justify the existence of nuclear weapons. But in North Korea know clearly that exist and have already tested.

Sandy Selfie Sent from NASA Mars Rover

The new NASA publication brings new images of Mars Rover a selfie. Until today the Mars rover has been achieved go 40 km, although not seem like much at the moment is has the record if none complication does not arise NASA intends to double that distance.

It seems incredible, the selfie not that we humans, the species that one day was the weakest and fragile of all has been able to send one of his creations to Mars this to 60000000km away. I can’t wait for the next achievement of NASA.

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2016

Formal letter

Dear Barack Obama,

I am writing to complain about human rights. Yesterday I was working on the street and I saw a man asking for charity because he hadn’t money.

The problem nowadays are that lot of people are homeless they are supposed have the right to have a home. The moment I saw these homeless I thought that there are changes that need to be done. My family have never been poor that is why, this fact impacts me harder.

Firstly, I would like to point out that is unacceptable that there are homes right for everyone while there are still people that have not a job nor house or money to pay their deps. Secondly there are people that have a lot of money but they do not enjoy their do not enjoy their lives as other persons without money would do.

To sum up, I very much hope that you look into this matter so that in the future most people would have a better live. Moreover, as this problem grows day by day, I am sure you will agree that you should do something against it.

I look forward to your reaction

Yours faithfully,

Lebron James

9 Avestone Rd

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I think that you can like someone at firts sight but not fall in love. For me the love is a felling that you buid with experiences and moments with that person. 

You cant just go looking at every guy or girl thinking that it is live at first sight. You have to get to know the person first before you think you love them. You want to now what their personality is. If you see a really pretty girl or a handsome guy, and later find out that they are complete jerks, then that will suck for you and you will be heart broken.