diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


In the last Oscars celebrated last year with Neil Patrik as host. There were several categories in the Oscars: best movie, best actor, montage, among others. One of the highlights of the ceremony is the announcement of the Best Film, which one won Birdman although it wasn’t the only award of the film
This movie tell us the history of an old actor and director how works in a theatre. He has family problems, he has recently split up with his wife, well ex-wife, and his daughter has problems with dugs. He was famous after a couple of movies that throw him to the top but, with time, he gets down again and has an obsession to be famous again.
This movie deserved the Oscars, it is an awesome movie, a little bit crazy although incredible. The fact that most impress me are that there are some scenes of 12 minutes long, 12!, that is too long and hard for the actors to root of this the actors make a bet to see which one make more and less mistakes.

Highly recommended, with a quality of assembly and management splendid, and a catalog of really good actors. It is one of those films that must see
Here the link of the news

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