diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Dorian Gray

The first trimester of this year, in the English class, we had to read Dorian Gray, a book written by Oscar Wilde in 1890. It’s a philosophical-fiction. The story is boring, in my opinion, but also explain lot of things. The argument ait beginning is normal, okay, but at the end become better because you are hocked by the story. Which one explain the story of Dorian a guy that want to be for ever young, the book reflect the arrogance and superficiality of the boy. 
I recommended because it’s a classic, like El Quixote or something like this but I really don’t like it, when I was reading it, it takes me like 1 hours and half maybe and that hour and half were the longest of my live (I'm exaggerating).

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