diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014
When you're young you have time, energy, but have no money. When you're old, you have more money and power but no time. When you're old you have money and time but no power. What I'm trying to say with this is the best age is that these now they all have advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons. There is no best age, the best age for me is the qual these you now.
Oral Presentation
My presentation is about the ritual of love of the Egyptians before the marriage ceremony, my group and I was in Sufi. I will leave aside Sufi and I will evaluate myself.
I am aware that my presentation was not exactly good, first of all I get very nervous when speaking in public or things like that, I get panic and I start reading that I have on paper although I would have studied. Another thing I do is bad body language, being timid put my hands in my pockets or look in the "public" but under the eyes or look the projector screen. The pronunciation of words believe this by the media, I pronounce some very good and some terrible.
That I would tell to my little I
Basically would be things that we tell our past about things that e have past, you can roll a bit. My advice to myself, it would be "Do not try to fight fights you can not win" discussions focused on verbal, the quales can not win (religion, politics, etc.) simply because that person does not canviara of opinion in his life . Second, it would be "best slide with your brother" in my case brothers, now I see my brothers like flies that follow me, bother, but I hope that one day, appreciate them for what they are brothers and a brother do not choose, unfortunately, is for your whole life.
Competitions of fashions.
Fashion, fashions are a phenomenon which is followed by many people, there are fashions for all types of cars, clothes, music, etc. For example last year I invented it was fashionable red color in clothes, I repeat do not know, and then all or most people wore red clothes. Now this fashionable iPhones, even if brands with better qualities and more varatas, what I'm saying is they sell are not products if no marks. Even if you use good quality shoes and comfortable, if not Nike do not work, they lose value? Honestly it seems absurd, the question is you get served, "are good enough for you?". The other point I do not understand are the ribalidades between brands or teams. Pongo eg rivalry between FCB and The R.Madrid, the competition between these two teams is absurd and more that between fans and hatred you have. This hatred is partly good and bad wing time, the aber competition between two teams, brands or supermarkets, for example, does benefit the consumer or fan since vajar prices to win or play better. I, in my case I positioned in the center or one side or the other as well, often no, I can do with the subject distance and evaluate what suits me
European Parliament votes for Google breakup
The European Parliament has voted to break Google and weakened it's dominant position in the region. Google now controls about 90% of all Internet searches in Europe, and politicians have become increasingly concerned by his power. "This is against a monopoly that harms European consumers," said Ramon Tremosa, spokesman for the EU. In this case the politicians believe that Google has too much power and influence over consumers and problamemente true. And should remove some power of "the Informatic Gigante" but surely exert power over us, the consumers, are still very high, and if not it will exercise ejerze the other multinational, surely. Surely this matter comes to nothing, because Google will pay something or a fine, as always, and safe exerting on us all very high influence.
Here is the link to the news.
dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014
Canadian Prime Minister calls 'brutal and violent' Parliament attack terrorism
The assault rocked Parliament over and over with the shots of a gunfire, led MPs to barricade doors with chairs and sent people streaming from the building in fear. Harper was addressing a caucus when the attack began outside the door, but he safely escaped. He gave his address Wednesday evening from an undisclosed location. I truly believe that something to worry that an attack and this case alsalto miss a single person was so easy, I worry. Sure was shot tantemprano as could the police i militaries but still very serious and further having injured
·New words I Know in this article:
-rocked: sacudir
-MPs: iputados
Here is the news link
To believe or not to believe
I consider myself an atheist, I do not believe in God or spirits or anything, but I respect the creientes. In my opinion I think a religion deveria not have so much power over citizens and such amount of money. I will focus on the Catholic community, I want you to know that I do not try to find any conflict, just giving my opinion. Surely there is creiente by the education that my parents gave me, I've even done catechesis, which resulted me very boring. I think the need to have someone to look after us, God in this case, is a natural resource of man to feel safer. In all these years of Christianity have aqumulado, the isglesia, inpresionante an amount of money, worthy of a king.I think people should, if you believe, believe in God but do not follow people deverian quales have necklaces and rings which are worth more than the homes of some of those who follow.
Mexicans converge on capital for mass protest over missing students
Tens of thousands marched in the capital Thursday demanding that authorities find 43 missing Ayotzinapa college students, seeking to pressure the government on a day usually reserved for the celebration of Mexico's Revolution.
The entire country is outraged. It is not just them. There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are." Security forces were deployed across Mexico City ahead of the evening's protests, including soldiers in plainclothes. Earlier in the day, hundreds of schools across Mexico participated in a national strike, including the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where a police officer opened fire on students this week, injuring two. Activists also reportedly attempted to shut down the Benito Juarez International Airport, which led to clashes with security forces. Solidarity protests were also staged internationally, with thousands participating across Europe and in at least 43 U.S. cities.
I think it's a shame all this is not just the 43 students, there are hundreds, even thousands, of mass graves throughout the country. This country needs a change or anger worse.
Here's the link of the news
Tens of thousands marched in the capital Thursday demanding that authorities find 43 missing Ayotzinapa college students, seeking to pressure the government on a day usually reserved for the celebration of Mexico's Revolution.
I think it's a shame all this is not just the 43 students, there are hundreds, even thousands, of mass graves throughout the country. This country needs a change or anger worse.
Here's the link of the news
Why I do not see the TV
Before! watched TV, looked at all hours, programs, series, movies, news ... And then a Began transforming all programs in tabloids and reality. Then I started to just watch movies and informative, then a the movies Began to Have advertisement of 10 to 15 minutes, turning the film a couple of hours to three hours. So I started to stop watching movies and just relayed information Looked Which just fiddles and political Unfortunately, this is how to stop watching TV and I started to use the Internet for everything. On-demand movies, series, youtube, documentaries, tutorials ... Internet Gives me what I want, When They want, I want to see information That Interests me, you have much more variety and freshness. Internet is the future and new generations Have deposed to the mainstream communication. It's just better
divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014
Email to the teacher
Firts Mail:
I'm Quim and this is the second year that I first Batxillerat. I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. After finished Batxillerat I would like to study something related to graphic design and / or industrial design.
Second Mail:
Hi, Sonia, I'm Quim. I'm 16 and now I am living in Empuriabrava and studing in Castelló This is the second year that I will do first batxillerat . I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. I don't have a special hooby. I like animals and I have a dog called Yago. I have two young teen brothers that have 15.
I'm not sure about what I want to study. But after batxillerat I would like to study something related to graphic design, industrial design or animation 3d. The reason is as simple as I love seeing the special effects com done or make animation films, the process.
I'm Quim and this is the second year that I first Batxillerat. I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. After finished Batxillerat I would like to study something related to graphic design and / or industrial design.
Second Mail:
Hi, Sonia, I'm Quim. I'm 16 and now I am living in Empuriabrava and studing in Castelló This is the second year that I will do first batxillerat . I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. I don't have a special hooby. I like animals and I have a dog called Yago. I have two young teen brothers that have 15.
I'm not sure about what I want to study. But after batxillerat I would like to study something related to graphic design, industrial design or animation 3d. The reason is as simple as I love seeing the special effects com done or make animation films, the process.
Black Friday in London: Chaos as shoppers
Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States and Canada, this festival was devised by trade and entrepreneurs to avoid losing money, numbers in red, and canvio win, numbers in black making outlandish discounts, here comes the name of that tradition, but in last years this tradition has spread across the globe more or less what happened with Halloween.
I am't
against this "tradition", the idea of globalization cro that much is beneficial but removes much charisma of the place you visit. If you go to Barcelona shopping, for example, and then go to NY you will find the same stores, or at least most of them. And I think this is will become a gray society, all equal, and this does not suit us. Moreover globalization gives one the opportunity to experience many cultures without leaving the country, for example in a large city like London or Boston can find restaurants of all kinds and this gives charisma to the city or the country. En resumen, el Black Friday nos beneficia a todos y por tanto todas las otras ceremonias también.
I am't
against this "tradition", the idea of globalization cro that much is beneficial but removes much charisma of the place you visit. If you go to Barcelona shopping, for example, and then go to NY you will find the same stores, or at least most of them. And I think this is will become a gray society, all equal, and this does not suit us. Moreover globalization gives one the opportunity to experience many cultures without leaving the country, for example in a large city like London or Boston can find restaurants of all kinds and this gives charisma to the city or the country. En resumen, el Black Friday nos beneficia a todos y por tanto todas las otras ceremonias también.
Game of Thrones or Song of Ice and Fire
Written by George RR Martin is written in six books (and counting) narrates the story of conflicts and last was fantastic. In a land where seasons can last decade there is a dispute over the iron throne and power over the seven kingdoms. Facing all households using alliances including tracings and all sorts of tricks. There are basically tree sides, the Lannisters possessing the throne of iron and and their allies, the Starks and their allies (northerners) which seeking revenge and Daenerys Targaryen with her three dragons and an army. The plot is very complicated to make a summary and could not avoid making some spoiler.
What I love both the book and the series is the fear you feel when a character is in danger because it is not like in other series where if a character in danger not fear the longer you think, "will be fine is the protagonist "but this does not and it proves it from the first chapters.That is because it is loved and hated by the readers and followers of this great writer. Most series based on books are not unlike just like this that after 6 books series follows the book which is a season ago and tanvien book writer has participated numerous times. The book respect the serie has a little changes to try to be less impressives, although they have not achieved as much in the book series nas deaths occur without any kind of censorship, or either nakedThe only drawback I find is the length of the chapters series lasting an hour, I think it is too much.
I recommend to all those who are tired of watching or reading things predictable and boring and counterrevolutionary want in entertainment.
I recommend to all those who are tired of watching or reading things predictable and boring and counterrevolutionary want in entertainment.
George RR Martin cartoon sitting on the Iron Throne, with
blood on the hands of all the characters he has killed
MGK - swing life away
The singer tries to explain the changes that have occurred in your life and love. Honestly I chose this song for rhythm and because it's a rap and I love this style. This song in particular had not ever heard and I recommend it to a friend, singer, Machine Gun Kelly, knew him and knew his other songs but I attacked this particular and I chose it The theme song was rebellious, rap and immediately think, at least I think Eminem and many people already chosen path and I thought a little diversity is always good. I have a video of the song a bit later began to sing but it's OK.
Do I gotta scream like I did every day when I was a troubled teen?
Tic que cridar com ho feia tots els dies quan jo era un adolescent amb problemes?
Do you wanna know my past and see every single scar, know what they mean?
Vols saber el meu passat i veure cada cicatriu, saps el que signifiquen?
17, running up on Mickey Ds, begging for a double cheese
17 , pujant en MIckey Ds, supplicant per un formatge doble.
Saying I don't wanna grow up and nobody let you when you're 23
Diguent " jo no vull créixer" y ningú et deixa quan tens 23
Came from nothing but I'm fucking, I support a father I don't never see
Va sortir del no-res, pero estic fotut, jo donc suport al meu pare que mai he vist
I know what you're cooking, jury put my brother in a penitentiary
Jo sé el que està cuinant, el jurat va posar al meu germà en un centre penitenciari
Never feeling criticism, made me the man I couldn't be
Mai sentir la crítica, em va fer l'home que mai pot ser
I'm reminiscing, oh, my life was different, spending every day at Chucky Cheese
Estic recordant, oh, la meva vida era diferent, passar tots els dies en Chucky Cheese
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivimos en los porches delanteros y swing vida lejosWe get by just fine here on minimum wage
Tenim per molt bé aquí al salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
Si l'amor és un treball el faré esclau fins al final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
I've been here so long
He estat aquí tant de temps
Maybe I should run away
Potser hauria de fugir
Try to find a summer day
Intenta trobar un dia d'estiu
What is love? Love is pain
Què és l'amor? L'amor és dolor
Love is butterflies and stomach aches
L'amor és papallones i dolors d'estómac
Love is looking out a windowpane
L'amor està mirant per un vidre
Tears dripping looking like you in the rain
Llàgrimes gotejant que s'assemblen a tu en la pluja
For someone you don't even know
Per a algú que ni tan sols coneixes
Or for somebody you may never see again
O per a algú que mai no pot veure una altra vegada
I am only alive once
estic viu només una vegada
And I'mma die when God wants
I vaig a morir quan Déu vulgui
So fill the sky with diamonds
Així que omple el cel amb diamants
Cause that's how is gonna look when I'm gone
Perquè així és com es va a veure quan m'hagi anat
Had a vision as a kid that one day
Tenia una visió com un nen que un dia
I would change the world with my song
M'agradaria canviar el món amb la meva cançó
Several years have passed and now that vision came to life
Diversos anys han passat i ara aquesta visió va venir a la vida
That boy's a fucking icon
Aquest noi és una icona de merda
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
Ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si el amor es un trabajo soy esclavo hasta el final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
Y todas estas calles si me das la oportunidad
Sometimes I don't wanna fucking wake up
A vegades no vull despertar
When all they wanna do is bring me down
Cuando todo lo que quiero hacer es bajar
And all the things I went through as I came up
I totes les coses que van passar pel que va acudir
All the fucking reasons why I run this town
Totes les raons de perquè merda em trobo en aquesta ciutat
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si el amor es un trabajo soy esclavo hasta el final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si l'amor és un treball sóc esclau fins al final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
Tic que cridar com ho feia tots els dies quan jo era un adolescent amb problemes?
Do you wanna know my past and see every single scar, know what they mean?
Vols saber el meu passat i veure cada cicatriu, saps el que signifiquen?
17, running up on Mickey Ds, begging for a double cheese
17 , pujant en MIckey Ds, supplicant per un formatge doble.
Saying I don't wanna grow up and nobody let you when you're 23
Diguent " jo no vull créixer" y ningú et deixa quan tens 23
Came from nothing but I'm fucking, I support a father I don't never see
Va sortir del no-res, pero estic fotut, jo donc suport al meu pare que mai he vist
I know what you're cooking, jury put my brother in a penitentiary
Jo sé el que està cuinant, el jurat va posar al meu germà en un centre penitenciari
Never feeling criticism, made me the man I couldn't be
Mai sentir la crítica, em va fer l'home que mai pot ser
I'm reminiscing, oh, my life was different, spending every day at Chucky Cheese
Estic recordant, oh, la meva vida era diferent, passar tots els dies en Chucky Cheese
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivimos en los porches delanteros y swing vida lejosWe get by just fine here on minimum wage
Tenim per molt bé aquí al salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
Si l'amor és un treball el faré esclau fins al final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
I've been here so long
He estat aquí tant de temps
Maybe I should run away
Potser hauria de fugir
Try to find a summer day
Intenta trobar un dia d'estiu
What is love? Love is pain
Què és l'amor? L'amor és dolor
Love is butterflies and stomach aches
L'amor és papallones i dolors d'estómac
Love is looking out a windowpane
L'amor està mirant per un vidre
Tears dripping looking like you in the rain
Llàgrimes gotejant que s'assemblen a tu en la pluja
For someone you don't even know
Per a algú que ni tan sols coneixes
Or for somebody you may never see again
O per a algú que mai no pot veure una altra vegada
I am only alive once
estic viu només una vegada
And I'mma die when God wants
I vaig a morir quan Déu vulgui
Així que omple el cel amb diamants
Cause that's how is gonna look when I'm gone
Perquè així és com es va a veure quan m'hagi anat
Tenia una visió com un nen que un dia
I would change the world with my song
M'agradaria canviar el món amb la meva cançó
Several years have passed and now that vision came to life
Diversos anys han passat i ara aquesta visió va venir a la vida
Aquest noi és una icona de merda
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
Ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si el amor es un trabajo soy esclavo hasta el final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
Y todas estas calles si me das la oportunidad
Sometimes I don't wanna fucking wake up
A vegades no vull despertar
When all they wanna do is bring me down
Cuando todo lo que quiero hacer es bajar
And all the things I went through as I came up
I totes les coses que van passar pel que va acudir
All the fucking reasons why I run this town
Totes les raons de perquè merda em trobo en aquesta ciutat
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si el amor es un trabajo soy esclavo hasta el final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
We live on front porches and swing life away
Vivim en els patis davanters i oscil·lant la vida
We get by just fine here on minimum wage
ens la passem bé aquí amb el salari mínim
If love is a labor I'll slave till the end
si l'amor és un treball sóc esclau fins al final
And all of these streets if you give me the chance
I totes aquests carrers si em dónes l'oportunitat
divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"-New version.
One a upon a time in a far far away Kingdom there was a beautiful girl. She lived next to a Starbucks but she wasn't a hipster. One day her neighbour would like to change her opinion about hipsters because the neighbours was working in Starbucks and her boss gave to her a poisoned coffee for the beautyfull girl to try to transform her into a hipster girl.
One week later one rapper came to the city, he fell in love when he saw her. Suddenly the rapper sang his best lovely song and the people that ware transformed in hipsters returned to their normal lives.
Finally the beautiful girl loved the the rapper because he rescued her to become a hipster and they smoked weed everyday
One week later one rapper came to the city, he fell in love when he saw her. Suddenly the rapper sang his best lovely song and the people that ware transformed in hipsters returned to their normal lives.
Finally the beautiful girl loved the the rapper because he rescued her to become a hipster and they smoked weed everyday
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