diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

European Parliament votes for Google breakup

The European Parliament has voted to break Google and weakened it's dominant position in the region. Google now controls about 90% of all Internet searches in Europe, and politicians have become increasingly concerned by his power. "This is against a monopoly that harms European consumers," said Ramon Tremosa, spokesman for the EU. In this case the politicians believe that Google has too much power and influence over consumers and problamemente true. And should remove some power of "the Informatic Gigante" but surely exert power over us, the consumers, are still very high, and if not it will exercise ejerze the other multinational, surely. Surely this matter comes to nothing, because Google will pay something or a fine, as always, and safe exerting on us all very high influence.

Here is the link to the news.

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