divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Email to the teacher

Firts Mail:
I'm Quim and this is the second year that I first Batxillerat. I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. After finished Batxillerat I would like to study something related to graphic design and / or industrial design.

Second Mail:

 Hi, Sonia, I'm Quim. I'm 16 and now I am living in Empuriabrava and studing in Castelló  This is the second year that I will do first batxillerat . I had to repeat the course because I failed several subjects including English. I don't have a special hooby. I like animals and I have a dog called Yago. I have two young teen brothers that have 15. 
I'm not sure about what I want to study. But after batxillerat  I would like to study something related to graphic design, industrial design or  animation 3d. The reason is as simple as I love seeing the special effects com done or make animation films, the process.

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