dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

To believe or not to believe

I consider myself an atheist, I do not believe in God or spirits or anything, but I respect the creientes. In my opinion I think a religion deveria not have so much power over citizens and such amount of money. I will focus on the Catholic community, I want you to know that I do not try to find any conflict, just giving my opinion. Surely there is creiente by the education that my parents gave me, I've even done catechesis, which resulted me very boring. I think the need to have someone to look after us, God in this case, is a natural resource of man to feel safer. In all these years of Christianity have aqumulado, the isglesia, inpresionante an amount of money, worthy of a king.I think people should, if you believe, believe in God but do not follow people deverian quales have necklaces and rings which are worth more than the homes of some of those who follow.

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