dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

Mexicans converge on capital for mass protest over missing students

Tens of thousands marched in the capital Thursday demanding that authorities find 43 missing Ayotzinapa college students, seeking to pressure the government on a day usually reserved for the celebration of Mexico's Revolution.
The entire country is outraged. It is not just them. There are thousands of disappeared, thousands of clandestine graves, thousands of mothers who don't know where their children are." Security forces were deployed across Mexico City ahead of the evening's protests, including soldiers in plainclothes. Earlier in the day, hundreds of schools across Mexico participated in a national strike, including the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where a police officer opened fire on students this week, injuring two. Activists also reportedly attempted to shut down the Benito Juarez International Airport, which led to clashes with security forces. Solidarity protests were also staged internationally, with thousands participating across Europe and in at least 43 U.S. cities.  

I think it's a shame all this is not just the 43 students, there are hundreds, even thousands, of mass graves throughout the country. This country needs a change or anger worse.

Here's the link of the news

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