divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014

Black Friday in London: Chaos as shoppers

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States and Canada, this festival was devised by trade and entrepreneurs to avoid losing money, numbers in red, and canvio win, numbers in black making outlandish discounts, here comes the name of that tradition, but in last years this tradition has spread across the globe more or less what happened with  Halloween.
I am't
against this "tradition", the idea of globalization cro that much is beneficial but removes much charisma of the place you visit. If you go to Barcelona shopping, for example, and then go to NY you will find the same stores, or at least most of them. And I think this is will become a gray society, all equal, and this does not suit us. Moreover globalization gives one the opportunity to experience many cultures without leaving the country, for example in a large city like London or Boston can find restaurants of all kinds and this gives charisma to the city or the country. En resumen, el Black Friday nos beneficia a todos y por tanto todas las otras ceremonias también.

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