diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015

Dorian Gray

The first trimester of this year, in the English class, we had to read Dorian Gray, a book written by Oscar Wilde in 1890. It’s a philosophical-fiction. The story is boring, in my opinion, but also explain lot of things. The argument ait beginning is normal, okay, but at the end become better because you are hocked by the story. Which one explain the story of Dorian a guy that want to be for ever young, the book reflect the arrogance and superficiality of the boy. 
I recommended because it’s a classic, like El Quixote or something like this but I really don’t like it, when I was reading it, it takes me like 1 hours and half maybe and that hour and half were the longest of my live (I'm exaggerating).

My favourite English-speaking youtuber.

Casey Neistat is a vlogger,with 34 , a type of youtuber, which do a video diary explaining things that append to him and his family which live in NY City. His YouTube channel has 1500000 subscribers. I like the way that he explain the because he explains very fluid making incredible shots with their cameras. It's amazing how good it makes transitions considering that he hasn’t studied cinema or something.

I his story is even more amazing has been working since he left the high school, she had a son at 17 and after much effort and work of director on several smaller projects. And now he runs his own technology company Beem and make videos on youtube.

Black Friday in Spain.

The Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. In Spain we copied this this celebration. This fact is good for the employer and the economy for the country because increase the selling. Here, in Spain, it isn’t so dramatic or exaggerated like could be in USA or Canada.

On the other side of the ocean they are crazy, I saw videos that the people in black Friday fight for a new TV or some like this.  Here it is quieter, thankfully. I'm not going to complain about discounts, but if I have to fight for a television that doesn’t need rather pay the original price.

Youtube fun

In he video Sergi Soufyane and me are presenting the Youtube Fun, in our presentation we talk about the viral videos. The presentation should be 15 minutes long, 5 for each person. In it I can improve my pronunciation fluency and in front of more than 20 people my nerve more.

I’m too shy that’s the biggest problem, I can’t, some people has fear of height and I’m fear to talk in front of people, last year I was so nervous that I preferred to do the presentation suspend.

YouTube gaming star PewDiePie 'earned $7m in 2014'

For those ones that are not familiar with the world of YouTube I will make a little introduction. A youtuber is a content creator, there are lot of types of them, tutorials reviews of games etc. In the beginning you don’t earn money but one time you start to have lot of visits and subscriptions then one company do a contract with you an pay you for your job this is called partner.
PewDiePie is a gaming youtuber, he do content about videogames and actually have 40 millions and average of 10 views per video. According to the magazine Expressen he won $3 in 2013 and in 2014 $7m.

People that don’t use habitual Youtube, like TV or other sources of entertainment, is crazy that one guy of only 25 won this quantity of money as is for me that football players won more than this in less time. Here the news link.

Why 2015 has been a blockbuster year for cinema

This year, 2015, has been a great time for cinema, Jurassic World, Fast and Furious 7, The Avengers and there is still the main course Star Wars.  It has been a phenomenal year for blockbuster films with several movies that are in the ten highest-grossing films of all time.

This is true, for me those last years has been one of the bests years with respect as cinema. Although superhero movies have increased in number too many in my opinion. I hope that the next years will be better and according to the news.

Recognise This Slimmed Down Hollywood Star?

This news copulated photos of Chris Hemsworth in his new movie In the Heart of the Sea and in his previous paper, Thor of Marvel. The Australian actor for the paper of the Viking god has to put on 20 pounds of muscle.
And to prepare this movie has to do a diet of only 500 calories per day, because in this movie has to interpreted a man that is part of whaling ship's crew and after their boat is destroyed by a sperm whale they are stranded at sea for 90, it takes place in 1820.

Each story I read it surprised me more, stories of actors that change their weigh and appearance radically to interpret a paper. An example could be Christian Bale or Jonny Deep.
Here the link of the news.
              Enlace permanente de imagen incrustada            

New Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

The fans of the franchise have the last candy of the movie that we will see, the new trailer or Star Wars: The Force, that will premier in next month. The fill will continuous the saga of George Lucas after 30 years of the evens that happen in the - Return of the Jedi.
I don’t considered myself as a super fan because I don’t have the room full of thing of Star Wars but I like the world and the histories that explain us.  I've always seen Star Wars as a philosophy for children, the battle of good against bad, light against darkness, but those movies explain that is not that simple in the light there is darkness and backwards.
 Down below I let you the trailer and here the link.



In the last Oscars celebrated last year with Neil Patrik as host. There were several categories in the Oscars: best movie, best actor, montage, among others. One of the highlights of the ceremony is the announcement of the Best Film, which one won Birdman although it wasn’t the only award of the film
This movie tell us the history of an old actor and director how works in a theatre. He has family problems, he has recently split up with his wife, well ex-wife, and his daughter has problems with dugs. He was famous after a couple of movies that throw him to the top but, with time, he gets down again and has an obsession to be famous again.
This movie deserved the Oscars, it is an awesome movie, a little bit crazy although incredible. The fact that most impress me are that there are some scenes of 12 minutes long, 12!, that is too long and hard for the actors to root of this the actors make a bet to see which one make more and less mistakes.

Highly recommended, with a quality of assembly and management splendid, and a catalog of really good actors. It is one of those films that must see
Here the link of the news

Countries I want to travel

One of my wishes is to travel see the world, new countries, new people. One of these countries would be Japan or some country of Asia, there are two principal reasons, the first one because the food, not the typically of the restaurants of here, the strange one, and the second would be the traditional buildings.
The second one would be USA, because I’m fan of this series, movies, shows, his culture. I know that USA it’s big and there are lot of places inside that are so different between them, like other places, I guess.

Those are two of the countries that I want to travel but there are more, and each other different of the others. Here I let you a video of a guy that do what i wish to to.

Adele's New Album Makes UK Chart History

The new album of the British singer has break a record. She has sold 800.307 copies the first week surpassing the famous band Oasis's which had sold 800,307 copies in 1997. Those numbers are from UK but Adele has sold lot of copies around the world.

Personally I don’t like Adele’s music, it’s too slow and corny but I like her, as a person, It is not the typical singer that is like a Barbie and use lot of programs to change her voice. It deserved for not be like the others that sell for not how they sing although they wear or are physically. 

Link of the news


Dear teacher,

Hello, my name is Quim, a student of second batxillerat, and I’m going to explain you my short and long-goals that I am expecting to achieve a long the track.
Nowadays, my goals that I want to achieve in the next few years is shake off the batxillerat and go to university to study something that I really like it. And if one day I fail, I turn to the worse I’ll know that I Never drop out of school, I’ll keep going, and I hope to one day my parents feel proud of me.
My long-term goals are to study something related with graphic design or animation 3D, and be the best of my field, even if that takes me to other countries.
Possible challenges that I could find along the way are to struggle against myselve, I think that the other people can hinder you but if you keep going and doing your stuff then you can do want.
I’ll stay on the track till the end and if I feel depressed for something, my friends and my family will support me to keep going, meet my goals and be successful.

“The circumstances of your life, none of that is an excuse for neglecting your homework … There is no excuse for not trying, you write your own destiny, your own future”

I like this sentence because you always have to try your do your best and don’t let other people condition your future. Also, it doesn’t matter from where you are, how are you, or what circumstance are you, all people is able to study and work, It’s true that money is a difficulties but not an excuse.

Best regards,

Quim Hugas Juárez

dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015

Is humour necessry

It is well-known that humour affects us giving lots of benefits although can it make a diference? Most people think that laughter is good for our heath becouse they had heard a doctor or on the TV and I could be included in this group.
At first, laughter makes our lives easier and as a social animal that is humans, laughing makes stronger that links between us, or breake the ice.
Secondly, it makes you feel better in your wort moments and help other people.
Finally humour makes our lives funnier, what would we do without laughs and jokes? It would be a so boring world.
To sum up, humour is a very inportant issue in our lives and personaly I can't imagine a world without humour.

dimecres, 17 de juny del 2015

Apple Watch review

The apple watch is an iphone on your wrist, there is no secret. This in my opinion is a rough diamond, no one has thought about the practical uses that may take into an exam? You can literally have a crib sheet, if you have internet connection, it is like  600$. Another problem, and those who have an iPhone will understand it, is that they tend to have been poached and very hot in the wrist can be very uncomfortable. Ultimately I think it is an unnecessary luxury and not very useful, but if it makes you clear illusion ...... and money.

dimarts, 16 de juny del 2015

News:Official: Francisco Franco was a dictator

Basically the news tells us that the day April 7, 2015, almost 40 years after the dictator's death, officially F.Franco in the historical authority of Spain is defined using the word dictator. In the day when I read this news shocked me, as it may be possible to define a dictator without using the word dictator? I imagined things like "saver of the fatherland" or shit like that. It seems perfect what he has achieved The Spanish Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, but I did not explain how achievement hasn’t been changed before. And just as they seem to me an insult to all those who have suffered over reguimen. Simply unimaginable

Girona chosen as 'Game of Thrones' new location

In the news we explain that the HBO production confirmed to be shot in Girona part of the sixth season of his famous series, Game of Thrones. Shooting is scheduled for the months of September and October. Have confirmed the places that will be shot mainly is the famous cathedral and the Jewish district. This news has attracted many tourists both domestic and foreigners and this would mean a large influx of money to the Catalan city. They have already been booked more than 160 hotel rooms for the cast and presonal.  I'm looking forward to the season and I can see how they have changed Girona, it sounds stupid but it makes illusion to think “I have been there”.

dilluns, 15 de juny del 2015

Microsoft's HoloLens is no joke: My reality augmented with Skype, Minecraft

The HoloLens are the future, are a pair of augmented reality glasses are still in process. The difference between virtual reality and augmented reality Augmented reality is that interacts with the environment. These glasses are used both in the field of entertainment such as in disseny object.  Since I first Star Wars film that appeared those ologramas I wanted be able to see one, and this is something that is very close.  Although when it hits the market will have a high price, but maybe when the price lower I buy it.

dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Looking back

In this post I will compare my level of english the beginning of the grade at my current level. I'll take as an example, the first post of this course Top series You should see. The sign stands out is the increase in vocabulary and editorial improvement (not only in English). Of all the exercises I've done the best marks have been obtained are listenings. Maybe it's because I've  accustomed to view films and movies in English, although I do not think so. The listenings would result for me harder if  the dubbers didn't speak as we are idiots. Also a very boring but useful part is the blog, although it seems that no use but is very useful, I hope so. Activities to be maintained is the music in English because so vocabulary is enriched.

diumenge, 7 de juny del 2015

Image of a cyclist

Vocaroo Voice Message

Avengers: Age of Utron

It is a des blockbuster films of the year. It's another Marvel film in which we see different superheroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye. I personally would not recommend the movie, she just can highlight the amazing visual section and incredible performance of the actors. Although regards script has lost, in my opinion, regarding the first installment of the saga. If we take stock of the pros and cons of this movie in my opinion it was not worth be worth seen on film, even if you earn a lot of quality, I think it worth paying, I would classify as a movie to be seen in house on a Sunday afternoon.


We are on Earth, in 2159. A poor country where society is divided into two, the poor living on Earth and live in poor conditions, lie the rich live in Elysium, an artificial satellite created for the richest people the land in which they live like kings. Our protagonist is a former Costa Max offender who makes a living working in a factory until one day have an accident and need a cure, to heal need to go to Elysium where you can get treatment. I love this movie because, aside from having amazing special effects and a great actor, is also a critique nuetra society where the rich are those with better conditions while the poor have to make do with the leftovers.

Mad Max: Fury in the road

Mad Max is an action film set in a post-apocalyptic world, where there are shortages of fuel and foodstuffs. Society focuses on small groups where the strongest commands on the dimmer. One aspect is the costumes of the characters as they lead very extravagant and crazy costumes. I love this movie because it is in constant action, and has a music i some amazing sound effects, to enjoy the most must-see in the movies.  This film is recommended to anyone who likes good action movies. This movie is so intense that it can even get tired.

dissabte, 6 de juny del 2015

Get Hard

Get Hard is a comedy starring Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell. The story revolves around a
billionaire who was jailed for 30 days and aims to train yourself to survive in prison with the
help of a man who laba your car. I saw this film mainly by Kevin Hart, who is one of my favorite
comedians, both on the big screen and in his monologues, but turned out to be a great movie
is humor. This film is a great a comedy film, I wouldn’t  rate it as a masterpiece but rather as a
good investment. 100% recomm end, a great combination of actors and script.

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business is a film of smoke in which it appears one of my favorite actors comdeia
other than old school, Jmaes Franco. It is the story a small company finished his members to
close and traveling to Europe to close a treatment and good .... gets out of their hand. But
today, as I write this blog, I have not seen it has caused me a good impression and when you
have some free time I'll see complete, for now I could only see about Veit minutes for lack of
time. I think it's good because it has diverse and famous actors in comedy movies and a great
director, this can be a great combination of talents.


Kingsman is a movie based on a comic book by Mark Millar, a veteran secret agent in charge of training a young so that, if successfully complete the tests will get to enter the body of British spies and become part of the Kingsman. I would not know how to classify this film would be a combination between ation and comedy. In this film we find Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Firth two actors who, at least to me, surprise me to appear in a movie of this type. The end of this film could be classified as the most unusual I've seen and have seen it know what I’m talking about. Although not a masterpiece, it is a good film, which leaves a taste a little weird, is not a bad movie but it's not good, I honestly do not recommend it.

The Interview

Dave Skylark (James Franco)presenter a popular interview program and producer, Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen). They get an interview with Kim Jong-Un, l dictator of North Korea, and the asks a small favor: kill Kim Jong-Un and it seems Aaron and Dave are not the most qualified people to carry out the murder. It is an amazing and very entertaining film, has an incredibly stupid mood but surprisingly funny. This movie has a couple of incredible actors and they are earning their place in the world of comedy films, if it is not have already won. I recommend this film to all those who are willing to mourn with laughter, ok maybe not.

A Good Day to Die Hard

A Good Day To Die Hard is an action movie starring Bruce Willis who plays John John McClane and Jai Courtney who plays John "Jack" McClane. In this movie, the fifth in the franchise, John tries to help his son Jack, John believes that Jack is in trouble when actually is on a mission to infiltrate. It is a classic action film, a small group of people (two in this film) kills an excessively large number of enemies, leaving virtually unscathed. Don’t know why but a lot of people love this kind of movie, me too; although you know that will happen only see it for the amazing special effects. Although it is the fifth installment of the series, I think it has not lost its charm if its personal touch giving the audience what they want. It's a great movie and recommend it to everyone without thinking.


Vikings is based on a famous Nordic legend, a Nordic hero Ragnar Lodbrok looting Britain and
France. Ragnar is a farmer as his fame increased also make their responsibilities, until one day
become King of Denmark. Ragnar gets to make the first serve in England with success and from
this first foray begin to perform different incursions Territory in both English and in a Large.
The strong point of this series is the big story, though it vezes a bit boring and too ls combat
scenes which are not made by computer are all miss with people doing so more realistic and
better quality combat scenes. Although this is a number which can be very entertaining I think
only should see this series all those who do not mind having a surfeit of action, but after
having chapters quieter.


Sherlock is a series that combines action and comedy moments. It is a series based on
the Conan Doyle books about the detective Sherlock Holmes and his partner, friend and
assistant John Watson. One of the points that highlight of the series is its incredible
actors, especially the two main actors. Sherlock, played by Benedict Cumberbatch this
is a detective who solves cases which the police can not solve. And moreover we have
John Watson, played by Martin Freeman, is an ex-soldier who fought in Vietnamm
which helps Sherlock in their cases. This series is one of my favorites and although I
have not had much time to keep following with constancy, is an amazing series and I
recommend it to anyone who wants to see a great show and to keep the intrigue.

Jurassic Park

Juarassic park is a trilogy, number 4 will premiere this year, in my opinion un classico, and a
 revolutionary film. The plot of the movie is a park in the qual the main attraction are dinosaurs.
The reason why it is categorized as revolutionary, is because it was the before and after effects,
was the first film to combine special effects and mechanical effects. These were incredibly
realistic special effects for its time, but today it appears that some children are done it with the
computer of his father. The film also features great director Steven Spielberg, who took care of
the first two installments, there are also several great actors like William H. Macy and Sam Neill.
I recommend this film to all those who have not seen and have some curiosity about good

movies but with already a few years old.
The Humans are one of the strongest specie of the planet we don't have a power body, we are simple. However we only have a quality, srong and useful, the mind. Thanks to this we have been changing our planet to have better condition for all of us. But now we are destroying the planet where we are living our home. I think that we have made the would a better place during the last hundreds of years but now we are destroying it. First, humans have killed lot of animals and burned forest to their profit, ignoring all signs of the planet, lot of animals are killed by humans to eat and to make chotes.
The planet Earth used to be green and with lot of plants and forest and the water was clean but in our days there is only citys and farms, and ecery thing is polluted, but not everything , there are still some places where the polluted and the deforestation haven't arrived, yet.
In conclusion we should do something and to stop this madness if we don't want to live in a grey planet without food, animals and plants, only us and our trash.

You're the next

The story focuses on a family, they are at a family gathering and unknown attack them with a crossbow and knives. Although the story focuses more on Erin that is the girlfriend of a family members. Erin is the daughter of a man obsessed with survival and she will use the lessons that his father to them face against the attackers. You're next, is a film of "terror", I put in quotes because I saw it and have laughed instead of fear of how the characters dying excessively bloody ways, like one time that the protagonist breaks a blender on the head of an attacker and then the nails on the head after andd plug it to the current and you can imagine what happened. I recommend this film to all fans of the films of the bloody movies.

dijous, 5 de març del 2015

China's latest survey finds increase in wild giant pandas

According to a census by China's State Forestry Administration, the panda population has grown by 268 to a total of 1,864
The administration said China has set up 27 new preservation areas for giant pandas, contributing to the growth in their numbers.
Economic growth is a danger to wildlife as their territory is invaded. I was very pessimistic about the pandas believed to be extinct, and they were going to do if you were following this path. China has been very clever, because the appeal of pandas attracts many tourists and with them a lot of money. I also believe that he has had Exterior pressure from various international organizations.

diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

The Incredible Selfie-Taking Wrist Drone

Thought it's still Being developed, The Nixie is a tiny, wearable drone with built-in camera and foldable bands That attach it to your wrist. The small drone must be deployed wrist, a couple of meters away take a photo and return to the wrist. Thought it's still Being developed, The Nixie is a tiny, wearable drone with built-in camera and foldable bands That attach it to your wrist. The small drone must be deployed wrist, a couple of meters away take a photo and return to the wrist. The limitations are scarce, can serve from used to make a selfie or make photographs while this is not possible, such as scales. I love the idea and I hope the project goes well, the idea of having a personal drone is amazing, but do not think I'll have to vastante prices to fall, as they are starting to normal drones. 

Oral presentation II

The second presentation was on a gap year in an English speaking country, I chose India. The chose because it was an exotic while interesting country. During the presentation I got a little nervous, as usual, and I read the paper and adding the names of places are a little strange, presentation ended in disaster. But I will repeat, making it from scratch again, studying it much more and practicing how to pronounce the names, and waiting to come out better.

This blog rewrite it after making the presentation again on Tuesday

Moscow seen the death of Nemtsov

Thousands of Russian citizens paid tribute yesterday opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was murdered on the night of Friday to Saturday, was shot aen Moskva river frontage. Russian President Vladimir Putin promised the mother of Nemtsov, who will do "everything possible" so that those responsible for his death be punished. It is assumed that Nemtsov was followed and that his murder was organized beforehand. Vladimir Markin, said agency spokesman, said he was working on different versions about the motives of the crime.

China's latest survey finds increase in wild giant pandas

According to a census by China's State Forestry Administration, the panda population has grown by 268 to a total of 1,864
The administration said China has set up 27 new preservation areas for giant pandas, contributing to the growth in their numbers.

Economic growth is a danger to wildlife as their territory is invaded. I was very pessimistic about the pandas believed to be extinct, and they were going to do if you were following this path. China has been very clever, because the appeal of pandas attracts many tourists and with them a lot of money. I also believe that he has had Exterior pressure from various international organizations.

Here is the link

MWC Barcelona 2015

The MWC is the largest, and one of the largest in the world, in the world of mobile event. This market moves much money and this fair attracts from multinational horn at the normal public. This week you can see all kinds of things related to the world of mobile, from accessories till the new models. Event is very interesting and it is close to home and affordable for everyone.
Although the festival is moving in tablets and also include smartwatches (the smartwatches consider them rubbish, is just an opinion). This year, for example the second generation of smartwatches are presented.

I found a link where developments are discussed in depth this year.


Last Thursday 5th of Febrery the students of batxillerat went to the University of Barcelona to see and attend two meetings about the subjects you can study. The first meeting I went to was of philosophy that started at 10:30. In the class were more or less 50 or 60 the hour and half was the longest of my life.
After the meeting finished, the next meeting started 12 o'clock and my friend and I went to design this was in two classes of 300 students in total, I went to this meeting last year and we there were less than 100 people. And finally, when the meeting had finished I ate my lunch and we, the students, returned to Castello.

I was a nice experience but I don't like the campus, it was like a prison. And I prefer the university of Girona the degree of design was better

dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2015


David Mendieta who is 17, a classmate and friend of ours. Actually he is studding with me in first of batxillerat in the center Ins Castello de Empuries, near his town, Empuriabrava. David has a young brother and have any pets. He's keen on basketball, is his passion, his dream is to become a professional basketball payer. David is very tall and thin, has brown hair and brown eyes and is dark-skinned, too. Usually he wears a hoodie or a jacket.
He is honest, friendly, cheerful, generous and extroverted. He's honest because he always, say the truth the most times.

He is a nice person, who always will help you if you need something and never goanna get you angry and also he is little bit easy going.


Fashion Enemy

The test has classified me as an enemy of fashion, which I think is true because it is pretty stupid fashions influence us. He says I have 45% Flamboyance, 37% Originality 29% deliberateness, 36% Sexiness. I think it is not quite correct this test did not give you enough options and on several occasions were torn between two options.  Surely if she were to give me a completely different result to the previous

Which has more brand or product?

To take an easy example, iphone, if not a product of apple people would buy the same? Today Apple has made its mark was recognized as a symbol of quality, I think we can find very high quality mobile with a brand that nobody knows and is at the height of Apple and with a lower price. I think the only thing worth an iphone in the chamber, I have not found any phone that has a similarly. Everything else you can find very good mobile without having to spend much money on a iphone. And the same with the MAC. We live in a world where what rules are trademarks and not the product, and it is very sad.

Top series you should see

Since we have instilled, or try to, language teachers have to die before haver read a number of books because in this case I will do a top series are mythical and must be seen. There have been too many good series so I'm going to focus on comedy series. There have been too many good series so I'm going to focus on comedy series. First we have The Big Bang Theory a series that already has 8 seasons, I love it because it has a very geek humor and I love it.  How I Met Your Mother, Friends are one of the most famous comedy series and both use the same formula, if I may say so, a group of friends who meet in a bar (although in Friends was a coffee) and always things happens.  And finally The Office has made me laugh a lot less than others but it's also very funny. I'm sure I've forgotten some but I think they are all the more important.

How would live without Internet

This phenomenon has marked a before and after in the history revolutionizing our lives. Personally Internet provided me many hours of entertainment (such series or movies, ...) and also has given me help and source of information where to look, practically infinite. For example before students if needed information had to go look at a book in our days with at one time may have information of any type.  It has also improved communications between people on the planet who are far ahead, maintaining communication with the family even though you're far from home, or meet people in other countries easily.

The debate around the film American sniper.

The theme of patriotic films that tell the story of an American soldier, The discussion is always the same no people that this type of movies the focus as the story of a patriot who loved his country and I would die to defend it, and instead there are people focusing it as the death of many people by this soldier. This topic is always difficult in these times I prefer to see the film as a story told or invented, although it has a story behind much suffering of both parties.

I think the soldiers going to war are not aware of how much it will change them. Believe it will arrive with a rifle in one hand and the American flag in the other and will be the saviors without thinking about the risks or consequences.

Research paper

The theme of the research paper is a difficult issue because we have to work this for two years, almost. You have to choose easy, any topic you like and make it interesting for other people. The theme of the research paper is a difficult issue because we have to work this for two years, almost. You have to choose easy, any topic you like and make it interesting for other people.
The different topics presented do not help much, each department offers different topics and you as a student must choose one or propose your own.

What is very difficult for me to choose a topic and do not know if I've chosen the right or have chosen one too hard and need to approve your pass and get the Batxillerat.

dimecres, 14 de gener del 2015

Personality test

ISTJ: Beaver

ISTJ: BeaverAccording to the test I am a logical person, I agree with this, work-working conservative types (not what exactly does and I can't find it) and I enjoy organization and regulation. These last two points don't define me precisely, I think it's exactly the opposite, I'm messy and not very consistent with the tasks and responsibilities. 
According to the test I'm dependable and thorough, sensible and earnest, too. I think these adjectives would be which would use to describe me, maybe I would not use  thoughtful, but more or less okay.
 I think this description is accurate, had hesitated a letter of the test but I think in the end choose the corect, I think.